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Laser Hair Removal

HomeLaser TreatmentsLaser Hair Removal
Treats: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) folliculitis pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) pseudofolliculitis pubis (PFP) ingrown hair unwanted hair excess hair

Laser hair removal treatment is safe for all skin types and is suitable for anyone looking for long term, silky-smooth results.

A series of treatments will be necessary for long lasting permanent hair removal and/or reduction.

Treatment areas include the face, neck, chest, back, arms, hands, feet, underarms, legs and bikini.

Even patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and excess hair growth can have hair free smooth skin. In addition to permanent hair removal, it may be used to l reduce ingrown hairs, reduce excess hair growth, permanently shape beard or neck hair lines and and effectively treat pseudofollicultis barbae (PFB) or pubis.

Our laser for hair removal has patented technology that allows for more comfortable treatments with minimal pain as the skin is protected by a built-in cooling handle that protects and sooths the skin. The unique design of our laser allows us to customize treatments according to your hair type, skin colour and location on your body.

Call to schedule your private consultation for all your Esthetic & Laser needs.

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